Info from an HR person on finding remote work
I just got off the phone with an HR person, after having to pull out of the interview process for a job because I need to work remotely 4 months a year. She said that if that's what I'm looking for, in addition to jobs posted as 100% remote, to look for companies that have offices in the country/region (Europe in my case) I want to work remotely from. Many times companies can't legally allow employees to work outside the US unless they have offices elsewhere. Also, she recommended bringing up the fact that you want/need to work remotely in the *first* interview for a job, not at the end when things are further along. I thought (and was told) I should wait to bring up the subject, after determining that the situation was good for both sides, but apparently not. Which makes sense I guess. Just thought I'd share as I found this info really helpful.