
Compensation adjustment when moving to a new role (and team) in the same company

In your experience, if someone goes through the full interview process to join another team within their existing company, is the new offer typically based purely on experience level + average compensation for the new role, or should HR factor in what the person was earning in their previous role? I've been offered a promotion into another team within my company. This new position pays much more on average than the previous one. I'm wondering how much room I have to negotiate here knowing that the new offer will likely be a substantial raise to my current salary, but also that I don't want to be underpaid if they would be paying a new hire much more.
If you are capable of doing a job, they should pay you the same as what they would pay someone hired externally. If anything, they have saved money from you moving internally (time and cost to recruit new people, plus time to train them up on company info that you already know e.g. how to use core systems!). Don't give them an easy way to screw you over by bringing this up, go in with your head held high, know your worth and make them do all the explaining if they're trying to pay you less. Best of luck!!
happy to talk negotiation! startup advisor/coo here - closing high impact/ high rev deals is my jam!) feel free to book time-