
Let's face it: No family is perfect and painful family dynamics stay with us long after the actual interactions have passed. Strife and disagreement are a natural part of human interactions, but how do we know when the harm being done within a family makes the relationships unsustainable?Join us this FRIDAY for a special schedule of Parlay From Away with nationally recognized psychology expert, Dr. Sherrie Campbell. Not only will she talk candidly about her own experience within a toxic family, but she'll also share insights and advice to help others gain control for themselves.It will be an informative and hopeful conversation. See you there and please invite anyone you know who might need a boost along family lines!

FIRST TIME? WELCOME TO OUR SAFE SPACE!Parlay House ( is an inclusive series of in-person & digital gatherings for women that foster intimate conversations and ignite meaningful bonds between strangers. With content based on our desire to empower, share, entertain and nurture, we’re creating a universal sense of belonging for women that spans age, race and sexual orientation and broaches topics that few of us can safely tackle in other parts of our lives. Parlay House is redefining the concept of community in ways that strengthen and uplift us all. Our digital conversation series is called Parlay From Away and is open to everyone.Bring A Friend ( is our new podcast. It's a place where real people shine and people who shine get real. These are conversations that we usually only have with our best friends and now, we're sharing the best ones with you