
When is a good time to start applying for a new role?

Hi There,

I'm currently a teacher looking to transition into an Jr. Administrative Business Partner Role or Recruiting Coordinator (I'm also open to other rolls that fit my skill set if anyone has suggestions 😊). Im contracted until August 5th and I do want to honor my contract and the families I've been working with this year (we are year-round) and the school I work for. They've been really great to me and so accommodating and flexible during this transition. Their only request was if possible, I fulfill my contract which I sincerely want to do.

Anyways, this leads me to the question... when SHOULD I start applying? I am afraid that if I wait too long, I won't have a job when I need one. However, I'm also afraid of applying to soon and having to turn down a great opportunity. Also, if right now isn't a great time to start applying, what should I do in the mean time? How do I make meaningful connections during this waiting time? Any advice, perspective and insight is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced!

I don't know about the when, because it depends on how long recruitment cycles are in your field and market. But if I were you, in the time before you start applying I'd get in touch with some recruiters and have a chat about what you're looking for a when. Some are no good and will ignore your timing (and other needs - plenty of us have been approached by recruiters who can't even be bothered to check which languages we code in, for example). But some will keep a look out for opportunities for you, and might be able to tell you when you should start looking too.
Thanks so much for the input!
Start now. The job search will likely take longer than anticipated, but if it’s fast you can just negotiate for a start date after 8/5.
Thank you!!
It's always a good time to apply! It also takes a few months so you definitely want to start as early as possible. There's a quote about investing that I think applies really well for job hunting, and other things "The Best Time To Invest Was Yesterday, The Second Best Time Is Today" Good luck!
Thank you so much and love the quote… I started applying this week. Fingers crossed🤞🏽 !
There's great advice here! I thought I might also tag in @lizchristensen who made the transition from education to recruiting. P.S. here's a recruiting coordinator role from one of the companies hiring on Elpha!:
Thank you so much! I’m definitely going to apply! And will try to connect with Liz about her transition.
Hi @tiffanytrifforiot! And thanks for tagging me @maryjantsch! It is definitely not too early to start applying and definitely networking since you are planning to move into a whole new space. Most places will ask for your timeline in the early interview stages and actually starting to interview now will help you build your narrative and hone those skills in a new space. I always view very interview as a learning experience and time to practice those skills. Happy to chat with you further about what I did to make the transition and provide any help that might be useful! And yes, start setting up 15 minute networking meetings with anyone who works at companies you are interested in. You never know where these conversations can lead you in the future…. :)
Hi Liz! Thanks for your reply, I would love to chat. I'll message you :)