Hi There,
I'm currently a teacher looking to transition into an Jr. Administrative Business Partner Role or Recruiting Coordinator (I'm also open to other rolls that fit my skill set if anyone has suggestions 😊). Im contracted until August 5th and I do want to honor my contract and the families I've been working with this year (we are year-round) and the school I work for. They've been really great to me and so accommodating and flexible during this transition. Their only request was if possible, I fulfill my contract which I sincerely want to do.
Anyways, this leads me to the question... when SHOULD I start applying? I am afraid that if I wait too long, I won't have a job when I need one. However, I'm also afraid of applying to soon and having to turn down a great opportunity. Also, if right now isn't a great time to start applying, what should I do in the mean time? How do I make meaningful connections during this waiting time? Any advice, perspective and insight is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced!