
Hate pitching/presenting? I’ll help.

Hey ladies. First post. I'm so glad this exists. I've been a speech writer and pitch coach for years. If you want help with a pitch or a high stakes presentation, I'll be happy to contribute. If I like the project and you respect that I'm volunteering my time, you got it. Public speaking, and doing it well is such a powerful tool to realize your ambition. I just want to see more women doing it. And doing it well. ❤️

Hi Annabelle, I would love, love, LOVE to take you up on this! I'm trying to refine my elevator pitch (and pitch) for my startup, but I've always been terrified of public speaking. This has held me back in interviews and I'm really worried that being so nervous is going to hold me back with my pitch. Thank you so much for offering this to the community -- it is so important!!
Thank you Annabelle for offering your much needed expertise. I’m actively pitching and could use your feedback and help! Many thx pamela Borsetta Audio Pitch Deck
Hey Pamela. I think you’ve done a pretty good job here. Would add a couple of things:1) a 3 minute version. 10 min is long and we get a really good idea of what you’re building. But for the pressed individuals familiar with the problem, we need an expresso version of this pitch. Happy to help you with that. 2) Rhetorical questions. Aristotle taught us that they are the magic bullet for charismatic and engaging presentations. They allow us to repeat key words without insulting the intelligence of our audience, integrate silences and vocal punctuation naturally and automatically cut down on the mono-tone voice we can have when reading a pitch (like in a voiceover deck for example). Amazing what you’re building. Bravo.
Thx u SO much. I’m working on a short three min version and would appreciate any add feedback from you 🥰
Happy to oblidge. Email me any time. [email protected]
Hi Annabelle, I appreciate your post and time to help others. I am beginning to interview for tech jobs (new to industry) and could definitely use some of your tips on presenting my projects when interviewing. Here is a link to my portfolio:
Happy to help. DM me?