(Big Favor) Penny (or more) for your thoughts on Women's Pelvic Health and Wellness!https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiiaebicJ-4BQzM5RWDEMp4ExJicWBlXIhRBps1dLzPiwBWQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Hi All! I'm reaching out to each of you to ask you a big favor - can you spare 10-minutes to take a survey to help women improve their pelvic health? (it's confidential - the answers cannot be traced back to you) We are working on a service that will further pelvic wellness and positive feminine energy. Why? Because pelvic wellness is critical to a woman's overall health at all stages in life but it is often overlooked and/or not even a topic of discussion. Pelvic wellness pertains to parts of the body "below the belt" and includes bladder and bowel health, vaginal health, uterine health, sexual health, muscles, and structures. A woman's pelvic wellness has a direct impact on her feminine well-being and energy. Click the link above to take the survey. The deadline to do so is 1/30/21. Eternally grateful for your help! Please feel free to share if any other ladies. Wishing you health and wellness! Kerstin