
Free 2-Day Workshop: Business Launch Bootcamp to start your own business!

Hi Elphas!

I'm hosting a FREE 2-Day Workshop on July 23-24, Business Launch Bootcamp.

This is for the person who is trying to do it all at work, at home, working out, & spending time with family but you're currently running on E...

You take on extra projects at work to hopefully fill that void but your 9-5 leaves you overworked and unfulfilled more and more these days. You have some business ideas, but aren't sure where to even start!

Over the 2 days, you'll learn:

- how to get clear on your business idea

- how to create your first offers

- how to land your first paying clients!

This is for the high achieving, growth-minded professional who's ready to take back their energy & freedom and be the CEO of their own life!

Hope to see you there! <3

Grab your free spot HERE!