
Coding Confessions

I recently went to a conference that had a confessions panel where we open mic embarrassing mistakes or things we still do regardless of experience.It was great to hear from people who have been coding for 10+ years still google some basic things, reminder that we are always still learning and its okay to make mistakes.So I figure we should get our own confession post going!My coding confession is even though I have been working with web for over 9 years I still google PHP/JavaScript date time formats. I don't know why I can never remember that 'F' is for month but yep every time I need to format a date I google it!Another mistake confession is once I accidentally released a secure document at 12AM not PM because I was bad with 24 hour time formats (apparently dates is my weak point) got a big angry email and felt bad about it for months. However I am much better at triple checking 24 hour schedules now.
How wonderfully validating! My coding confession that even after 20+ years of coding, I never remember how to set up case else statements. Also, I continue to get the @ requirement confused on my razor cshtml pages, especially in if statements, but at least I now know what I'm looking for when the page doesn't render. LOL and *sigh*