
Help! Do Mompreneurs Even Want Brand + Web Design Services?

Hi Elpha community! I started my brand and web design business right before lockdown 2020. I kind of started by offering whatever was needed and then narrowed it down to branding and web design. My target at the time was DIY/early-stage entrepreneurs and small businesses. Business was slow but growing. Then at the start of the year (following some coaching), I decided to narrow my niche down even more and landed on working with mompreneurs since that was what most of my previous clients had in common. Since I've relaunched in the Spring, I haven't really been able to tap into that audience. I know the audience exists (I'm a part of the mompreneur community), but I'm not sure if they actually need what I'm selling, if my messaging is all wrong, if my pricing is off, or if I need to pivot again. I'm really frustrated because I can't figure this out and feeling like throwing in the towel and go back to teaching 😩I would love feedback from the community. Feel free to visit my website https://8ninedesign and let me know what you think about my services, pricing, message, etc.Thanks
Hi @thomaskaila, I so appreciate your question. Mompreneurs is an identifier many of my clients have used over the past 5 years to try and connect with Moms who need their services. My background so my thoughts are in context are that I'm an SVP with YourTango and I work with helping/healing service providers on biz dev and SEO specifically. Most of my clients need branding help to narrow the focus for their SEO work and the lens of "Moms" has been widely looked at by a lot of the therapist/coaches/healers I work with. The net result has been that the term is not really effective for a variety of reasons. As a keyword, mompreneur is looked up 2900 times a month by people on Google... which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not targeted enough for the kind of work you're doing. If you look it up, it's all over the map: Wikipedia, quotes from mompreneurs, videos on "day in the life" and some people to follow. You get the idea. That said, it's a good word to use as you describe who your website development/branding is good for but it's also too narrow to fill your client bucket. If I were you, before you throw in the towel, perhaps consider amping up the words around the services you offer. Because really, you can do website work for small business owners across the map. A broader niche is female owned businesses or even the niche of coaches can work. If you level those words up and consider Moms one of your buckets of clients not the whole bucket, you will give yourself more opportunities for people to evaluate you as a service provider for them. Personally, I also think the word mompreneur gets into how people identify themselves within their work. Yes, I am a mom, but I am also an executive. Being a mom doesn't determine my needs or what my pain points are, it's merely a piece of my working identity. When I hired someone to build a website for a client last month, I looked at their experience + what they could do, the variable of being a mom didn't make the list although I am always motivated when I read "female led business" or other words like that. Please reach out of I can offer any more support. :)