
Places to post your startup on Reddit

Hi everyone! hope your week is going great so far! Recently I have been having some success on Reddit and I thought I can share a couple of places that work for user acquisition for me. Reddit is a pretty good place to get some sign-ups and users for your products.Just to give you some context, I currently write a newsletter (see link above) about design, marketing, and creativity tips for makers and founders as content marketing for my startup. These are general startup/biz orientated subreddits that I think can be helpful. I have acquired sign-ups from these places for my newsletter.r/SideProject, r/IMadeThis, r/indiebiz I work on a newsletter, I usually share a short post that sums up my newsletter issue, with a link at the very end. This has worked for me to gather sign-ups. The first two subs allow pictures as well. For me, posts with pictures work better.r/startup, r/EntrepreneurRideAlong is a little more strict on promotions. sometimes my posts get removed and I have a feeling there might be a restriction where you share the same link over a short period. r/EntrepreneurRideAlong is better to post in my opinion.✨r/Femalefounders ✨ just became the mod of this sub. This sub has been inactive for a while and I am trying to bring it back alive again! Feel free to join and post about your startup and journey. It would be nice to have a nice community on Reddit. r/ladybusiness is also a nice one.Hope this helps!
Thanks for sharing these subreddits!ps - I've deleted your duplicate post and tagged this one in Startup Founders as well!
thanks Teresa! I couldn't figure out how to do crosspost from the "edit" function after I made the post! 😅
No worries! You can only crosspost when you are writing the post, after you post it, only someone from Elpha's team can add/change the communities for ya :)
Thank you for sharing this!