
Help! Mansplained about how to run my team.

Need help, being mansplained by my manager and co-founder of my startup about how to increase tech output. He does not have a tech background, comes from finance. I am the VP of Engineering and I have built this team from 1 person to 20 people (data sci and engineers). My thoughts on increasing productivity is increasing goals by sprint ( we are in stealth mode building a product).

His exact words to me today were:

"Generally, 40 hours is a light workload, adding 10 hours to that, for any purpose, gets 25% more done without causing any strain" followed by

"Productivity per hour / work-life balance impact generally starts to decline after 60 hours / week on a consistent basis"

I really hate being told how to increase productivity on a team I have grown myself based on arbitrarily adding hours by week. Would love advice from tech leaders and people dealing with men that are too happy about mansplaining with no backed evidence.