
New Opportunities

Happy holidays all!

The holidays always bring out so many different feelings and reminders. Reminders of where you started from, how far you've grown, or areas you may want to improve in.

This is my first Elpha post and I wanted to introduce myself and be vulnerable in regards to my own personal successes and defeats.

My name is Anna and I am a 28 year old Phoenician. In 2018, I received my Bachelors of Science degree from GCU. Almost immediately after, I began working in recruiting at Uber. After about five years of talent acquisition and entry level HR experience, I was laid off. Two months prior, I had bought my first house.

I went five months without a job.

No income. For five months. After purchasing my first home.

I received a job offer - it's low paying but I have something coming in around the holidays for extra income. And because of that, I'm considered lucky. Because I have a job. Something to pay some expenses. Something to get healthcare benefits from (in a few months once it kicks in). But I am craving more.

More responsibility. More opportunity for career growth. More leaders that inspire and support their teams. More income for the hard work I guarentee.

I am open to new opportunitie, new leads and insights and overall connections. Because at the end of the day, we all gotta stick together and get through these times as one.

Thanks, Elpha!

Hi Anna, thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your journey with us here on Elpha. I'm so sorry about the layoffs, and it's a really tough market out there right now. You can check the Elpha job board as well - there's a category for People & Talent roles: Hopefully hiring will pick up in the new year and you can find something great - the "more" that you are wanting and seeking.
hello Anna and thank you for the post! I feel you on so many levels and idk if it will help you feel less "lonely" but know that this current economic situation has impacted pretty much everyone to some degrees (though I agree some more than others) it is great to hear you got a job opp though not exactly what you'd like. I am wondering if there's room for growth at this current job (not just financially but even in terms of responsibilities?) On the side I am also wondering if you could start doing some more freelance/consulting like work?
@brianarani thank you so much! I will definitely look at those. Still learning and navigating Elpha and want to use to it my full advantage! 🤍