
Apply bare minimum effort into FINALLY learning how to video edit—in 2024

I created a 5-day cohort dedicated to teaching you how to edit your own videos, called The Editing Room.

This is one of the biggest things people have avoided since video editing became a THING!

Because those who have braved—uploading editing software, and opening it up, IMMEDIATELY closed it because it looked like they were looking at NASA space control center. 😵‍💫🤯😵

It can be a shock to the brain.

So you just say "nope!", close your laptop, and go wash dishes.

That's how unappealing video editing can be!

You'd rather WASH DISHES, CLEAN YOUR BATHROOM, TAR & GRAVEL YOUR ROOF IN JULY—than look at that video editor that looks like it came from a scene from, A Beautiful Mind.

But it's NOT beautiful, it's a literal, "WTF?!!!"

Well, I'm here to tell you—there's another way.

In my 5-day cohort, we're going to:

  • Use a video editing platform that is A LOT LESS intimidating (🖕🏾🖕🏾Premiere Pro, Final Cut, and the DaVinci Resolves of the internet—for now!)
  • Learn 5% of what you need to get started editing your videos (you DO NOT need to know EVERYTHING about a video editor to start making good videos)
  • Do the action (editing your video), a handful of times. This isn't a watch the video and do the thing LATER type of cohort. No, no,'re going to watch the videos and do the damn thing a handful of times while the cohort is going on. Let's start getting in those reps, EARLY hun-ty!

If you're interested in having 100% control of your creative video output in 2024 (Type As to you Ls, if that's a thing) and beyond, this could very well be the beginning of your origin story.

The beginning of creative video direction at your job (and giving you negotiating leverage next performance review...)

The beginning of your YouTube channel...

The beginning of your online course creation...

All of which are—money in the bank 💰💰💰

Check out the cohort here to reserve your spot today!

All around amazing, Gigi!Tagging a few elphas who *might* be interested in the post/learning more @mariacavali (i know you're primarily in photography though if you've been doing work in video, maybe this is of interest) @lynettevgarcia who has a video podcast (seems fitting?!) @laurathornton Happy connecting everyone!