
Growth-stage brand leaders—what are your biggest challenges? (Building a course)

And I would love your help and feedback in building it! Last month, Maven reached out to gauge my interest in developing a deep dive/advanced brand strategy course, something I gained some experience with when I partnered with Reforge to build out their brand marketing course for early- and mid-career marketers.

Now, I'm looking into create a more advanced, highly tactical course loaded up with use-it-now Notion templates for creating alignment with your leadership, brand measurement strategies at all stages of growth, growth-focused campaign-building, and piloting pivotal moments like rebrands.But I want to build this resource based on what’s relevant to brand leaders and operators right now! So if you’re developing a brand, what are the biggest real-time challenges you’re facing? If you can spare 3 minutes, I'd love to hear what challenges you're facing (and you can also register your interest to be notified when enrollment is open):

Also welcoming any responses or ideas here in this thread if you'd like to weigh in on your trickiest brand-building tasks (and what other courses aren't helping with) 👋