
Clinical Epidemiologist and Project Manager

Hi all! I have a clinical research/academic background at a very small clinical research organization (7.5 years experience in clinical research, project management, and clinical quality). Over the past year, I've come to the conclusion that I want to work in the women's reproductive health/fertility space and so have begun making the enormous transition. most of the companies I've found are in the tech space, and I haven't had any luck even getting a response sometimes. Just looking for some guidance, advice, or any connections and networking opportunities! have a great evening!!

Hey Constance! Here are some women health focused job board to look at!Shameless plug for my favourite of all time Health Tech Nerds: it's a members-only job board that has a vast array of roles across the health tech ecosystem shares job search advice and open roles in digital health Insider has full-time, part-time, and temporary roles at femtech companies around the world (Jodi Neuhauser): curates open roles in women’s health and hosts biweekly meetups for job searchers Rohde Jobs this is a bit generalist but it has roles of Chief of Staff, BizOps, and investing roles, often in the healthcare space
Hi @stancemcgraw! Where are you looking exactly? I'm guessing you're looking for PM roles? Have you thought about pitching direct to hospitals or IVF facilities?