
FREE EVENT🌟🥂 Kelly Wright and Elissa Fink share 'Seven Secrets to Scaling Success: From Zero to $1B at Tableau'!

Next Thursday, 22nd October two phenomenal women in business are coming forward to share their secrets that lead to their exceptional journey and success. Kelly Wright and Elissa Fink worked together at Tableau for over a decade building it up to the industry giant that is is today, prior to its huge exit of $15.7B last August to Salesforce. Kelly was the Senior Vice President of Sales and was Tableaus first sales hire, now advising major companies such as Dropbox and Asana. Elissa was Chief Marketing Officer and was already a serial acquisition professional, having had three prior to her joining the team at Tableau.The event will see Kelly and Elissa sharing their advice for leaders and team members, based on their experience at Tableau!It's taking place at 4pm on October 22nd - If you can't make it but wish you could, register for the event and my colleague Daisy will send you the recording the next day.
This looks great Poppy, thanks for sharing. Just signed up :)