
Seeking: Spiritual Embodied Business Mentor

Curious if there are any businesswomen here or who you know of who are thriving in health, relationship, money, parenthood, and entrepreneurship.

I am on the hunt for a mentor, someone who not only talks embodiment but walks the walk.

Someone with a proven track record in clients, in sales, in relationships, and most of all - health. Someone who has created a sustainable business, not burning themselves out by overgiving or overachieving.

Someone who recognises their bodies capacity to hold space.

Someone who is bold, authentic and a humble student of life.

Someone who has gone THROUGH (not bypassed) ego deaths, dark nights of the soul, including grieving of identities.

Someone who is ideally a mother, not just to their business but child(ren).

This is my vision for myself, I am on the path to becoming more compassionate toward my Inner space and nurturing my desires - and to do so, I am seeking a courageous mentor to learn from.

Who would you recommend that I can follow online, get to know their work, their being? And potentially meet 1x1.

Many thanks,


Amazing ask! Curious if you ever found anyone?