
👁️Pregnancy became a profound spiritual awakening for me. It made me face deep-seated demons I thought I had already confronted.

It was confusing and unsettling and intense emotions resurfaced. But through that experience, I realized that healing is an ongoing process 🔁

‍We often attach ourselves to core beliefs and values, working through them at one point in our lives, only to face them again in a different chapter.

Life teaches us to confront these challenges when they resurface under new timelines and stressors 👁️ It’s like applying pressure—things that were quiet or unseen emerge

This is why I’m passionate about supporting mothers. We navigate the incredible beauty of our children while experiencing immense stress!

Under this pressure, unresolved issues can come to the forefront, whether for the first time or as a reminder of past struggles we thought we had conquered 👁️

I would love to know your thoughts and experiences with this below 💬

What came up for you or is coming up for you in pregnancy?

#mindfulmama #mindfulparenting #consciousmotherhood #positiveparenting #consciousparenting #mindfulmoments #honestmotherhood #highvibration #spiritualawakening #higherawareness #consciousliving #meditatingmommy #mindfulmoment #motherhoodisdarling #innerguidance #motherhoodrising