I was recently stunned by the fact that Latin women comprise only 2.5% of the lawyers in the United States, a significant disparity when comparing it to male counterparts. Therefore, I would like to start a thread where women who are actively working in the legal/political field can discuss the struggles they encounter on a day-to-day basis in such an unequal domain.

that's brilliant, Valentina (the idea of this thread NOT the fact that Latin women make up 2.5% of lawyers in the US, to be clear!)You will have a number of lawyers and reformed lawyers here so I hope this gives you a good mix to enrich the discussion @ezbrizlax12 @Deul @HeatherRK @estherflores @rejoiceabudar @charityebosereme @alexiakarvounis @evamsmith @MaryamMM @CanadaImmigration @SamePilatwe @gabrieladegori