
Read this article (Ryan Holiday is one of my favorites!) and I love the idea of creating the same schedule for yourself everyday.

I'm not exactly sure how this is possible for my work/work - but for my personal projects (e.g., yoga daily, working out, drawing lessons, sewing, my YT stuff, etc) - 1000%

Hopefully this article sparked an idea for you as well.

Thank you girl for posting! I love Ryan Holiday too (and his voice hahaha)! I so agree with this. Although I embrace change and get bored easily, having the same repetitive schedule (all the way from having the same workout routine to eating the same thing for dinner) has been really helpful! It essentially helps me save time to focus on things that are more important (to me)
The same repetitive schedule sounds SO BORING once you hear it, but in practice - especially for artists - it's a game changer. I desperately want to get here one day, so like you, I can focus on things that matter to me.P.S. I REALLY wish I could stick to the same food routine. But if I break EVEN ONCE from it - e.g., "Oh I think I'll have a bowl of cereal today" - my ass goes nuts, and I can't get back on the wagon again for a while. LOL! If The Rock can have a cheat day, I should be able to get it together, damnit! LOL!
I highly recommend not to talk about days as cheat days or else, it gets very depressing very quickly hahaYou too can create the same routine - it has to do with how things stick in your head ie. if you are visual person, send yourself a calendar invite or set a ringer to remind you to do XYZFor the cooking routine, mealprep might be your best friend!
My only problem with meal prep is how long the prep takes. I have EASILY spent a whole Sunday, cooking & putting food in it's separate containers - and I'd say, it's not the funnest thing in the world (lol!), BUT it has SO MANY added benefits if you do.And I'm definitely a visual person, and I live by my calendar. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but it helps me to get a LOT of ish done.