
The Ted Lasso Career Pivot Playbook

Warning: This is not just another article about the leadership lessons from Ted Lasso. We've all seen and appreciated those insights before. Ted Lasso is also a powerful Career Pivot Playbook, packed with a treasure trove of wisdom and life lessons. Throughout its three seasons, we've witnessed numerous characters' remarkable growth and development.

In this article, we'll delve into a few key individuals and explore how their journeys reflect our own paths in the professional world. Let's discover the insights and inspiration the Ted Lasso characters provide for our own pivots so we can achieve the career goals we desire or may not even know about yet.

I bet number 7 will surprise you!

Alert: Minor spoilers ahead if you have not watched the final season of Ted Lasso.

  1. and 2. Ted Lasso – The New Perspective and the Value Alignment Pivots

Ted Lasso's character experiences two significant pivots throughout the series.

In the first pivot, Ted realizes he needs a fresh perspective on life, especially his marriage. Taking an unconventional path, he ventures across the ocean to coach a sport he has no knowledge of. While seemingly extreme, this mirrors our universal need for new perspectives. It could be as simple as a temporary transfer to cover someone's sabbatical in your company or taking a leave of absence to travel. By stepping away from our routines, we gain a macro perspective that enables us to see ourselves and others with greater clarity, leading to more informed decisions.

Ted's second pivot revolves around value alignment. As he immerses himself in coaching the Richmond team, he discovers that his core values are out of sync. Despite finding professional success, Ted realizes that being a present and loving father is what truly matters to him. This profound realization prompts him to make the difficult decision of returning home to be with his son turning down the opportunity to be one of the highest-paid professional soccer, oops I mean football coaches in England. But Ted was never about the money. Ted's genuine happiness when the series ends demonstrates the fulfillment that comes from aligning our actions with our core values.

In the workplace, Ted's pivots teach us the importance of regularly assessing our values and ensuring that our career choices align with what truly matters to us. It's not solely about achieving professional success, but also finding fulfillment and balance in our personal lives. By prioritizing our values, we can make conscious decisions that contribute to our overall happiness and well-being.

3. Keeley  Jones– The Power of a Champion Pivot

Keeley Jones, initially known for being famous for doing nothing, undergoes a remarkable transformation in the show. With the support of her unlikely friend, Rebecca, Keeley discovers her true potential going from being a panda to a lion. Her pivot starts as a PR representative for the club, and she eventually runs her own agency, experiencing the power of having a champion in her life. Throughout her journey, Keeley exemplifies the profound impact a mentor or supporter can have on our careers. They have the ability to see our potential, even when we doubt ourselves, and help us unlock new possibilities. It is crucial to surround ourselves with individuals who believe in our capabilities and inspire us to reach greater heights. The secret lies in actively listening to their guidance and taking meaningful action, rather than dismissing it as mere politeness. The good news is that a true champion won't let you get away with that.

4. Roy Kent – The Redefinition Pivot

Roy Kent's character embodies the challenge of finding one’s identity beyond a single career. As a reluctantly, retired soccer player, Roy struggles to define himself outside the boundaries of the sport as a player. It has defined him for so long, it is all he thinks he is. Sadly, many of us do define ourselves by our careers versus truly seeing our whole selves. For Roy, a poignant moment with his niece Phoebe shifts his perspective. When Keeley asks Phoebe what she loves about her uncle, the response doesn't mention soccer. Instead, Phoebe highlights Roy's kindness, humor, and love. This realization prompts Roy to understand that he is more than just a soccer player – he is a caring and influential presence in his niece's life.

Roy's journey teaches us that our worth extends beyond professional achievements and titles. By embracing our multidimensional identities, we can explore new avenues for growth and break free from limited definitions. In the workplace, this lesson encourages us to look beyond job titles and focus on the unique qualities that make us valuable contributors. Embracing the redefinition pivot opens doors to exciting opportunities and personal development.

Roy's transformation reminds us that we are not solely defined by our careers but by the impact we have on others and the qualities that make us who we are. Embracing this pivot empowers us to tap into the hidden potential, find fulfillment, and discover new paths in our evolving careers.

5. Nate – The Belief in Yourself Pivot

Nate's character undergoes a remarkable transformation from a timid kit man to a confident head coach. His journey begins with Ted as his champion, instilling belief in himself. As Nate witnesses the success of his strategies, he starts to trust his abilities and completely changes his career trajectory. Although he encounters setbacks along the way, which we address next, his pivot starts with recognizing his own potential. Nate's story serves as a powerful reminder that self-belief is a catalyst for career growth. By embracing our skills and capabilities, we can unlock new paths and achieve success beyond our imagination.

6. Jamie, Nate, and Rebecca – The Healing Trauma Pivot

Nate, Jamie, and Rebecca's arcs in the series revolve around their personal traumas and the transformative power of healing. Each character experiences significant growth as they confront and address their past wounds.

Jamie Tartt, shaped by the pain of an abusive father who never made him feel good enough, initially seeks validation through his success on the soccer field. Propelled by his anger, Jamie desires to prove his father wrong and earn his respect regardless of the consequences or the people he might offend along the way. However, as the series progresses and Jamie heals, he finds himself lost, and disconnected from the motivation that once fueled him. He now struggles to find his bearings and purpose. It is during this crucial time that his mother becomes a beacon of support, reminding him of his worth and reigniting his inner fire. With her unwavering love and encouragement, Jamie embarks on a transformative healing journey, confronting his deep-seated insecurities and breaking free from the cycle of seeking external approval. Along this path, guided by Dr. Sharon and bolstered by the combined support of his mother and teammates, Jamie rediscovers his motivation and learns to define his worth on his own terms. This newfound self-acceptance and compassion propel him from being merely tolerated to becoming an inspirational leader. Jamie's grasp of how to fix the flailing Total Football strategy not only earns him recognition but also demonstrates his growth and influence as the team successfully implements the necessary changes.

Nate's journey parallels Jamie's as he grapples with the impact of his relationship with his father. Initially, Nate's unhealed trauma and lack of self-confidence lead him down a path of bitterness and resentment. He projects his anger toward his dad onto Ted. This manifests in his transformation into a villain-like character when he quits, rips up the “BELIEVE” sign, and joins West Ham as head coach. As Nate embarks on a journey of healing and reconciliation with his father, he undergoes a profound self-discovery, gaining a deeper understanding of himself. He also recognizes that the job at West Ham challenges his values and is at odds with the way Rupert leads his philandering life. This realization prompts Nate to forgive himself, reassess his actions, and make choices that align with his newfound growth and integrity. The growth finally makes him attractive to Jade, the object of his affection for a long time.

On the other hand, Rebecca carries the weight of a failed marriage and her ex-husband's betrayal. Initially driven by a desire for vengeance against the team that her ex-husband once owned, Rebecca's journey takes a turn when she realizes that her actions are fueled by unresolved pain. As she confronts her own trauma and begins to heal, Rebecca shifts her focus from revenge to cultivating a genuine love for the sport and a desire to uplift and empower the team and its fans. They have become her family and she rewards them with owning a piece of the team they love.

The healing trauma pivot in these characters' journeys serves as a powerful reminder of the impact our past experiences can have on our professional behavior and relationships. It emphasizes the importance of addressing and healing our wounds to foster personal growth and create healthier dynamics in the workplace. When we confront our traumas and work towards healing, we become better equipped to lead with empathy, compassion, and authenticity, ultimately fostering a more positive and supportive work environment.

7. Deborah, Rebecca's Mom – The Keep the Path Open Pivot

Deborah, Rebecca's mom, embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery, stepping out of a pained yet loyal life as a wife. In a casual conversation with her daughter, she reveals her plan to interview a tattoo removal doctor, before she gets a tattoo, signaling her readiness to explore new possibilities without completely burning bridges. As the saying goes, "We don't have to blow up the bridge behind us to explore new opportunities." Deborah's decision to have a backup plan highlights the understanding that there is always a road back. Similarly, when contemplating a new venture or career path, it's important to recognize that we don't have to sever all ties with our current situation. We can maintain our valuable skills and relationships, leaving the option open for a potential return if needed. Deborah's story serves as a reminder to keep our paths flexible, allowing for new experiences and opportunities to unfold.

8. Coach "Willis" Beard – The Loyalty Pivot

Beard's journey in the series showcases the transformative power of loyalty and the profound impact a second chance can have on someone's life. We learn late in the series that Coach Beard has a troubled past and has spent time in prison. However, Ted Lasso sees beyond Beard's mistakes and gives him a lifeline, offering him a chance to be part of the coaching staff in Kansas and taking him with him to AFC Richmond.

Deeply grateful for the opportunity Ted has provided, Beard feels a strong sense of obligation and loyalty towards him. He dedicates himself wholeheartedly to supporting Ted and ensuring the team's success. When Ted decides to return to Kansas, Beard is torn between his love for Jane and his gratitude and loyalty to Ted. As Beard learns from Ted, a true leader wants their people to soar on their own and does not clip their wings for their own personal benefit. He knew that with his rice-packed suitcase, he just respected Ted enough to have the final release and a Beard-worthy exit.

Through Beard's story, we witness the transformative power of loyalty when it is grounded in mutual respect and the belief in individual growth. Beard's loyalty to Ted is not born out of obligation alone but also stems from a genuine appreciation for the lifeline he was given. True loyalty involves supporting others on their journey while encouraging them to discover and pursue their passions and aspirations.


In the high-energy realm of career pivots, Ted Lasso's playbook proves to be the ultimate guide. From stepping onto unfamiliar turf to realigning our values, the unique characters of Ted Lasso lead the way, showcasing the power of new perspectives, mentorship, healing, and personal growth. With each twist and turn, they teach us that our career journeys are not just about achieving success, but also about finding fulfillment, embracing our true selves, and making choices that align with our core values.

Barbecue Sauce!