
Anyone started a Podcast on Spotify?

Hey! Looking to start a podcast on Spotify. Curious to know if anyone's tried it before. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced while setting it up?

Thank you for tagging us Teresa! 🥰One of the early challenges was figuring out what platforms worked for us. We started with Anchor for recording and hosting but had some recording issues (audio out of sync and unfixable). We ended up migrating to Zencastr for recording + Anchor for hosting, which was great.@laciccone can speak to challenges from an audio ending perspective since she manages that for Date in a Blink ☺️As a final note, another thing to think about is how you want to promote it... images on social media, audiograms, mutual shoutouts from other podcasts... there are lots of possibilities and it can feel a bit overwhelming, but if you figure it out in advance / aren't stressed about it, then this is less of a concern
I've started a podcast that is published to Spotify and several other platforms. Happy to answer any questions.When you say "challenges with setting it up" are you referring to the tech aspect or to launching a podcast in general?
Hi - I found The Wave Podcasting which put out a great guide for anyone thinking about starting a podcast. I've been going through the process myself, starting with market research. It's been helpful to listen to a wide variety of potential competitors both to hear the format but also understand the challenges of capturing good audio! You can download the guide here!