
Favorite non-fiction books where you learned something interesting?

I've been on a big fiction kick the last few years and feeling like maybe I should get back into non-fiction a bit more.

What are some of your favorite non-fiction books where you've learned something interesting or that really changed the way you see the world? (PS I prefer authors who are female / non-binary, LGBTQ+, POC, disabled, or identify with / represent a marginalized community!)

A couple of my recent faves:

- Vaxxers: The Inside Story of the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine and the Race Against the Virus, by Dr. Sarah Gilbert and Dr. Catherine Green

- Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism, by Mariana Mazzucato

I recently read Braiding Sweetgrass, which was amazing and very thought-provoking.
Oooh I have this book on my bookshelf, need to get around to actually reading it!
I've wanted to read this for a while! I read Sacred Instructions by Sherri Mitchell earlier this year, and a lot of people pair the two.
I've been trying to read more non-fiction this year, since I will default into escaping into various fantasy worlds...Some really informative books I've read this year are: -- Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate Raworth Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by Angela Chen
I really enjoyed Doughnut Economics. Whole new way of thinking about things for me.
I just finished The Book Collectors about the siege of Daraya, Syria by the Syrian government, and wow, it was eye-opening to read about what the civilians stuck inside went through and why they held out for so long.
I recently read 'Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents'. It looks at racism through caste while drawing Parallels with the Indian, American and German aspects.
Have heard lots of good things. Will bump in my queue!
Not a recent read, but Grit by Angela Duckworth changed my life. I was in my late 20s trying to make it in NYC when I first read it, and having a reminder of and a solid framework for what it takes to succeed catapulted me into creating the life/career I wanted.
Any Malcom Gladwell book- love every one and always learn something interesting
Outliers was amazing!
Never split the difference by Chris Vos. Amazing book on negotiations.
This one is SO good! I feel like it's a book you need to come back to again and again to learn from whenever situations come up.
Breath by James Nestor was great read. Interesting, educational, and reminded me to breathe mindfully!
Unfortunately not an author from the demographics you highlighted but I will still mentioned it because it was a fun and timely read "Make your move" by Jon Birger (he previously wrote Dateonomics) - essentially talking about the "science" behind dating and how women have the upper hand now and can take advantage of it. I agree with many (not all) of his points and seen interesting results upon applying :)
I made this list of out-of-field reads for data scientists a few years ago:
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker ( Our company is doing a book club on it too, 2nd time reading it!
+1 for Art of Gathering. Learnt a lot about not just gatherings at home but also about international conferences.
Agreed, read this recently and loved it
Swimming in the Sink by Lynne Cox. A phenomenal swimmer, this is her memoir of being diagnosed with a heart issue and having to stop swimming and then relearn. Reading it during COVID, when I had to stop things I loved (including swimming), was a reminder about taking things step by step, and appreciating what you have. Also she is badass.
I recently read The Refusal of Work by David Frayne. It helps questioning how we have lost the ability to decide whether actions that do not meet our economic needs or reinforce our employability are meaningful and valuable. I would recommend to anyone interested in now and future of work.
This may be a bit dark, however, I reflect and go to this book when I'm faced with big challenge or adversity in my life: "Man's Search for Meaning:"
Inferior and Superior, both by Angela SainiIf you liked Mariana Mazzucatto, I thought her previous book The Entrepreneurial State was much more interesting; also in a similar category though more about history of tech and silicon valley - The Code by Margaret O'MaraI also loved Ha Joon Chang's books, like the 23 things they don't tell you about capitalism; and in a similar category - Why Nations Fail by Daron AcemogluThe Medici Effect by Frans JohanssonBig Data: Does Size Matter? by Timandra HarknessA completely different subject but such a relaxing and enlightening read, especially if you've read the greeks like The republic, then you'll appreciate 'The courage to be disliked' and 'The courage to be happy' on Adlerian psychologyYou said non-fiction, and I am mostly into non-fiction myself, but I read 'Frankisstein' and thought it was a brilliant job at weaving in very current ideas and debates from tech-politics-ethics-culture-society into a modern day Frankestein
Winners Take All by Anand Ghiridharadas It’s critical that anyone who works at social impact startups or mission-driven orgs/companies reads this book.
Burnout prevention therapist here πŸ’β€β™€οΈ! These are my favorite non-fiction books that I often recommend in therapy πŸ€—:
Brave Not Perfect by Reshma Saujani - I've never felt so seen as when I read the first few chapters, and I draw on the "brave, not perfect" mantra daily!Also, Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez. Somewhat infuriating, but fills me with a passion to make change
Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
"How you say it" by Katherine D Kinzler. A great read about language, accents, bilingualism and how they shape the perception of people.
The Power of Now, Breath, Educated, Maybe you should talk to someone, What Happened to you? Talking to Strangers, How to Hold a Grudge