For working moms who are not satisfied with their current position, I can hear a bit of your advise.
I am currently a mom who works in a company that's under paying me, but it is a work and life balanced company. My partner on the other hand has a good income. I am at the point where I couldn't decide to become more family focused to spend more time with kids and family or try a different position where I most likely will become much busier with work, but do what I want to do in my career.
The current company is comfortable, but I am not striving, but allowed me to juggle between kids and family events when I needed to. The pain point is I know I'm not enjoying much working here and the company doesn't offer the right role for me to do learn and do what I want to do.
Any working moms out there that has faced a similar situation in life that can share their perspective and how you are today?
Much appreciated!