Couples Therapy
My partner and I have been together for 1 year and suddenly started to run into challenges. Instead of allowing the situation to escalate (which it has) we've agreed to speak to a couples therapist before starting to consider parting ways. Does anyone have a recommendation? offers research-backed couples therapy using mindfulness-based communication skills. Here’s an overview: Good luck with your search!
Hi Anna, I loved your site and would live to book the first call. Your calendar seems to be booked out, any chance you could chat this weekend or have availability next week?
Hi Trudie! My notification settings are off so I'm just seeing this now -- Thank you for your patience! Yes, you'll notice my availability is a little tight in the coming weeks, but I can definitely help you find a consultation time. I have time today at 2pm or most mornings at 8:30 am or 9 am for a brief call to go over FAQs. Feel free to email me to reserve a time, or let me know what your windows of availability are and we can look for overlap. I look forward to chatting more. Anna Lindberg Cedar, MPA, LCSW[email protected]