
How I career (and life) pivoted 20+ times with PIZZAZZ

I secretly love being vulnerable with a bunch of strangers so this Thurs, I'm giving one of my most personal talks (eek!).

It'll be about my career pivots and how to navigate transitions with PIZZAZZ.

I'd love for fellow Elphas to join because you all are so thoughtful <3

When: this Thurs (the 4th) at 4pm EST

Sign up here:

About me:

- coach (helping women fall back in love with their career is my specialty)

- 10+ years in tech as a software engineer and engineering manager

- forever english major

- expat (I moved from the USto London)

- VC-backed founder

Great skill to be able to be vulnerable with others!
I never thought of it as a skill!
In case you missed it, get some popcorn, a cozy blanket, and watch it here <3