
Searching relevant databases for a Data Science project on analyzing Women in Science

I am envisioning a Data Science Project for showcasing my skills to potential employers. Building something one is passionate about eases out the process and helps the brain easily come up with relevant questions we could ask our model during analysis.

Thus, I want to create a dashboard that shows how women have been involved in Science, not just STEM over the decades. What were their challenges and how is the situation right now?

I am also planning to make analysis on the various women focused conferences/events which bring us together and the ways they have been able to make a difference to women, if at all.

For this purpose I am looking for a database(s) having data about women. Any more information specific to women of color, hispanic or other racial groups & ethnicities would be a plus. A simple google search leads me to blogs and not specific datasets.

Do you know of such a database or have worked on something similar previously? Any information is appreciated as I feel this project would be really cool to work on!