
Looking for beta testers to help build better technical interviews!

Hi everyone! I am so excited to announce the pilot of Practecha! This platform pairs early-career women (women in college, bootcamp programs or the first 5 years of their careers) with engineers and companies for mock technical interviews. After each interview, both parties provide detailed feedback to help the other improve.This pilot would not have been possible without feedback from some amazing women (including some Elpha members!) and I am so excited to share this next phase with the Elpha community! Through this feedback, I realized that my experiences with (and slight fear of) technical interviews was similar to those of so many other women in CS. So with Practecha, I want to provide early-career women with the targeted advice that all candidates need to succeed, while also helping engineers and companies improve their process.If you are currently an engineer or looking to prepare for interviews as a candidate, I would love for you to join the pilot and get your feedback on the service! ♥️Beleicia