
Hi all! Raise your hand if you haven't updated your resume in years and don't know where to start.

Or maybe you've tried to update it yourself but you don't feel CERTAIN it is as powerful as you'd like.

I'm an Executive Resume Writer & Career Transition Coach and new to the Elpha community; you all came highly recco'd :).

If you're in the market or thinking about your next opportunity, I would love to help. I've worked with hundreds of executives and hiring managers while at Russell Reynolds, a global Executive Recruiting firm, and am hear to bring my knowledge and expertise. It's not your job to draft an incredible resume; lets connect and see if I can take it on for you.

If you're interested in doing a discovery call, I'm taking on new clients this month!

Hi Danielle! What are your rates for clients? I'm currently unemployed and as I am transitioning to product management and UX, I need help making my resume appealing to tech hiring managers and recruiters. I feel like my current resume is fine, but I've either gotten no responses or rejected.
Hi! It's great to be connected. It sounds like a great time to dig into your documents and see where there may be some areas for improvement; if you're getting no responses or rejected, I'm guessing there are ways to enhance your story. There is also strategy involved for mining your network and reaching out to hiring managers. My standard package is $725. This includes a resume build inclusive of overhauling the format into an optimized, ATS friendly structure; content re-do, Linkedin build, and a 30 minute interview prep call where we work on your pitch. Would so love to partner with you during this transition!