
Hello I’m new here

Hello everyone! The support I see on this site is amazing. I recently graduated with my Associates in Information Technology Management, and I'm looking for advice on how to break into tech. I have 0 experience in the tech industry, and my previous jobs were security and customer service related. I would like to do customer succe roles or something with training. Im currently looking for remote positions, and if anyone has any advice I'm open to it. Thank you so much!

Welcome! 👋Re: positions, you may want to take a look at Elpha's partner companies who are hiring remotely for customer success roles,[]=customer_support_success&search_string=customer%20success eg. Sparrow!
Thank you ❤️
Hi and congratulations on graduating 🎉In addition to Teresa's advice, I'd add that informational interviews can be especially helpful at this stage in your career. If you have any connections (1st or 2nd degree) on LinkedIn who work in customer success/customer experience, it could be helpful to talk to them to get a sense of what skills are most desirable for entry-level hires. If not, don't worry! I would look at previous Elpha Office Hours to see if there are any AMAs/tips related to your desire career. I'd also add that alongside Elpha's job board, can be a helpful resource for finding jobs. Hope this helps! And wishing you the best as you embark on this new chapter!
Thank you so much I will definitely look into using these resources.
Welcome, La'Shay! SO happy you joined us (I remember you from LinkedIn :))I think my girl Teresa got you but if you have a minute, look through the Job Board community and you will probably find some interesting things! As always we are here for you!
Yes she did and I’m so happy she told me about it. Thank you I’ll take a look at it.