
New Grad Looking for Software Engineer Job


I graduated couple of months back with a master degree in Engineering. Currently on the look for a job as a software engineer. I also have 1 year of industrial experience I gained through intership and full time job. I am proficient in backend and frontend development using Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, Spring framework, Django, Flask, Angular.

Would be really grateful if any of you could help!


Hi! Just FYI that I changed your tag from "Job Board" where people post open positions to "Job Hunting."
Congrats on your graduation! Where are you looking for a role (city/country-wise) Some pretty good resources: where our partner companies publish roles, where Elpha promote roles they're hiring for eg. one of our own @collynwarner is hiring for many roles at DDx then if you look outside of Elpha, YC is a pretty good, as well Built in NYC (they have the same for SF, LA, and Atlanta also).