
Webinar: "A Returner's Guide to Updating Your Skills"

Hey there!

Did you take a career break -- and are now thinking about returning to the workforce? Are you wondering how to update your skills?

You're invited to attend a free webinar titled "A Returner's Guide to Updating Your Skills" on Nov. 4 at 1 p.m. ET.

We know how hard it is to have a job gap. This is especially true in the tech field, where up-to-date skills are so prized.

Join us and our friends at Career Karma for all the information you need about how, when, why, and where to update your skills. It's going to be a great event!

Register for free:

Path Forward is the nonprofit that partners with forward-looking companies to provide stay-at-home moms and other caregivers with supportive resources and returnships as an on-ramp back to your career.