
Help us find a manufacturer near New York!

Hi all,

Can you help a small dog toy business find a manufacturer for our plushy toys on the East Coast?

🐕Who we are: Profloof is a brand of scented plush dog toys designed to appeal to the dogs’ desire to sniff.📍Where we are: We have validated the prototype and are launching a collection of new designs over the coming weeks.❓What we need: A reliable low-MOQ sewing / production facility in the New York metro area to help bring our toy designs to life.

Please comment or DM if you know any facilities or manufactuerers yourself, or know someone who has manufactured any plushy or soft goods (totes, clothing, toys - anything).

Thank you so much!

Hi @natalliayelsky! I don't know it myself but I can highly recommend Learn to Make a Product ( Liz is fantastic and I am sure they can help!
This is amazing, thank you so much!