
WA Paid Family & Medical Leave

Hi everyone, Happy Holidays!

Is anyone familiar with the subject matter and wouldn't mind helping me with some questions I have? I'm feeling a bit confused and would really appreciate the help. Thank you!

Oh this is super interesting! Perhaps @dhanus can help, for context she runs a company called Sparrow, that is helping companies implement robust and efficient paid leave programs. While the focus is on helping companies, she might be familiar with some of the questions you have? And then this thread could have been interesting (given OP was looking at a role at amazon, and their hq is in Seattle), sadly everyone here posted on anon so not sure you'll be able to connect but maybe if you respond something! of luck!!
Hi Iynna, Thank you so much for your response! @dhanus I would love to connect and ask for your help. Thank you!
Of course! i hope you get the answers you're looking for! :)
Please feel free to DM me with your specific questions.
Feel free to DM me.My company Normili did a webinar to open source info about FMLA and state based Paid family and medical leaves just earlier in December! Here’s a link to the recording: