
Group Course For Women Leaders called RECLAIM: From Stress to Balanced Calm

Hi Everyone!

I am partnering with a London based company that focused on mind, body, heart wellness called Authentik Wellness, to offer my group somatic coaching course, RECLAIM. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to reach out to learn more. We start next Monday, October 14th, and we will take enrollment through this Sunday! Here's the course enrollment page with more details:

My 8-Week Group Programme, RECLAIM, in partnership with Authentik Wellness London, will guide you and a very small group of like minded women on a path of transforming your relationship with stress to thriving, not surviving.

It’s not just a coaching program, but a supportive network of strong women like you that need a place where they can be vulnerable, dig deeper into their relationship with stress, and have proven practices based in somatic transformation that will help you be able to not just move through challenges but tap into your ability to thrive under pressure.

I onboard a maximum of 6 people to my group programme to ensure I can give you personal support and in-depth feedback, especially within the first 4 weeks when our milestones are to:

· Uncover your stress story

· Define your vision for change

· Develop your toolkit for transformation

But it doesn’t end there. We all know that shifting your stress response from fight/flight/freeze to unshakable confidence/hope/effectiveness takes work and time. So, I’ll be with you every step of the way, with the knowledge, support and encouragement as you continue to transform your relationship with stress while achieving your goals.

You can begin on our program start date, October 14th.

The investment is £1,500 but I’m offering 25% between now and October 13th.