
Finding a Co-Founder/CTO

Hi guys, how are you?

I am struggling a lot to find a potential co-founder for my business since most of the in-person events are gone due to covid (I am based in the UK).

Can someone recommend a platform for that?

I would love to find a woman to be my partner in this journey.

Thank you,

Miranda x

First and foremost, finding a cofounder is treacherous and dangerous, so I always advise on what would be most ideal for nontechnical founders:1. Figure out an immediate offer of value so that you can build an audience2. Iterate on that offer as a productized-service so you can learn how to optimize the mechanics of the value creation as well as the operations of your back office3. Make money to prove the business model and validate the audience, enough so4. You stand out to technical founders (who are inundated with requests from people that have no proof in the pudding).(Related Video:, I don't advise on outright searching for a technical co-founder without these 4 things. BUT, if you really want to give it a try, here's the one piece of advice about finding one that I truly liked:, if you are preparing to work with a CTO or dev shop for-hire, please, please, review this list of signs you may not be ready and signs you're wasting money/time: