

My name is Terra! I'm from Alberta, Canada. It's great to be here.Statistically - SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH OTHER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE!I'm Terra, from Canada! I work with a global team of Online Business Owners. I run my own Online Business. I successfully make money online, to invest in property. Both of these business models suit my lifestyle. I'm a content person, EVEN throughout 2020. I do not fear crisis situations! I've learned, RUN to them and find the opportunity. As a successful business person, I'm hungry for success.In 2019, I joined the digital business world, looking to find a new opportunity to add to my portfolio. I came across an ad on Facebook, about a lucrative online opportunity. I didn't know anything about working online at that time, but I do now.I'm grateful to be here!#TerrasGlobalMarketing#terrahouseman#LifeIsGold2021
Hi Terra!!! So great to have you! How did you find the Elpha community? Thanks for introducing yourself!
Hey Hannah! Thanks for the welcome! I was searching online, for other professional platforms when I came across an article that listed OVER 100 social media platforms for 2021. Elpha was number six on the list. I liked what the review (I think that's what it was) said about the platform, and viola, here I am. I'm grateful to have found that list!!!
Awesome! I believe I also found Elpha off a list as well and so glad I did. I hope you find it as meaningful as I do!
Thank you so much! I believe I will!
Welcome Terra! Glad to have you on Elpha!A quick housekeeping note: I've consolidated your two posts due to duplicate content (feel free to share the first image again!, as each post only allows for one image).
Thank you Teresa! I've got lots to learn! I'm going to do some learning here, I want to be successful here. Any tips can send my way. Have a fantastic day!
We just shared a Get Started guide for new members, so feel free to take a look here for tips!
Welcome Terra and thank you for introducing yourself. We are having our Member chat next Friday which you should join if you're free :)More here
Thank you for the welcome Iynna! It's great to be here. I appreciate the invite and will try to attend. I'd like to learn about Elpha. I love what I see so far!!! Have a great day!
Hope you will join the call! :) welcome again!
@TerraHouseman... i need your contact for business .. urgent
Hi Terra! Glad to hear 2020 didn't get everyone down. Welcome to Elpha!