Hey yo! I'm looking to take a 10-week course inside General Assembly for UX Design/User Research. It's part-time and at night, which will work perfectly with my schedule.
Yes, I'm skilling up. But I'm also considering a career change within the marketing spectrum.
It would actually compliment the hodge podge of marketing skills I have now (everything from content marketing to sales copywriting to video production/editing)
It's not a "clutch your pearls" investment, financially.
But I still want to get someone's perspective - who has taken a course (or two!) from them - on how it:
- Helped their career (both in career search & bargaining power when it comes to salary compensation)
- If the course was worth it (e.g., did they do a deep dive into topics or did they generalize a lot? Is the curriculum practical & up-to-date, or was it "old news" & outdated?)
- If the teachers were helpful (e.g., do they answer your questions or brush you off? Do they show up to their office hours or did they disappear without a trace?)
And any other helpful feedback you can offer.