
Advice to be successful at seed-stage tech startup

So I'm working at a seed stage tech startup after working in the arts industry. I've been there ~5months and feel like I'm still struggling to do basic tasks. When I ask for clarification or training it's never as detailed or specific as I would need---I'm very process oriented and not getting the support I need.

I was recently told by a colleague that our manager is not interested in training the team, they're just interested in people figuring it out for themselves.

What advice or experience can you share to help someone be successful at a seed stage startup?

In my experience at seed stage companies you have to build and create all processes from scratch. Most of the time it’s about figuring things out, documenting and putting process in place. If that isn’t your jam I suggest looking for roles at much larger companies where operations are in place already.
@stephaniecn is right. seed stage startups have no processes. the team has to build everything from scratch. If that isn't your skill set working at a startup is going to be miserable.
It's a shame this is only coming to light at this stage, 5 months in. If you do decide to stick it out, keep in mind that start-ups gives you a whole new and different set of skills that you can add to your portfolio. Look at how you can adapt your learning style to be successful in this environment. #growthmindsetIf you're not able to find the support you need and decide to move on, please build this into your interview questions.I'm always reminding clients that you're interviewing companies as much as they're interviewing you. Go in knowing your values and what your essential conditions are for success. Have your questions on hand so you can gauge throughout the interview process directly and indirectly as to whether those conditions will be met.
That can be a frustrating situation to be in especially as you’re transitioning industries. As others have said, in an early start up environment you have to build everything from scratch and the expectation, more often than not, from management is that employees just “figure it out”. I believe that’s what people actually mean when they refer to a “start up mindset “.If you prefer to operate by following clear, predefined processes, the start up environment may not be for you, BUT! If you enjoy creating and building new things the fact that you’re process oriented can be an asset. So if you otherwise enjoy the work and want to try sticking it out here is my practical advise based on years of working in a start up where I had to figure it out every step of the way:- Get clear on WHAT you’re working toward. What’s the number, the outcome, the metric you’re responsible for? Management may not care how you do it as long as you figure it out, but surely they’re expecting you to achieve something to grow the company? - Focus on your processes: what do you do when situations arise? Or what would training include if it existed? Work with your colleagues to fill in the gaps and get input and sign off from your manager along the way- Ask direct questions. I don’t know you’re manager, but I’m going to assume they’re also just figuring it out. Show up to conversations with possible solutions— even if you’re unsure or just made it up! “I have X situation and I’m planning to do Y about it— what do you think? Would you recommend another path?” It might be easier for your manager to engage with training this way- Find a career coach or mentor you can work with to talk through the challenges or even set up a peer mentoring relationship with a colleague- Try to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Start ups are a tough environment to find your bearings and 5 months is a relatively short period of timeIf any of this was helpful, feel free to reach out of you'd like to chat more. - Search engines are your friend
To be successful, you need to [1] be comfortable with ambiguity, [2] be resourceful, [3] be comfortable with a fast-paced and/or changing environment.Often at a seed stage, everyone is still trying to figure things out and have their part to play. Because things may be ambiguous a lot of the time, being resourceful means you'll unblock yourself and find what you're looking for on your own. Things may constantly be changing too...there may be pivots or things may get deprioritized etc. You just need to be comfortable with everything so you can learn and grow.I joined a seed stage startup earlier in my career and although I did struggle too because there was no mentorship of any kind, but I powered through and learned so much. It's okay to not know everything...just know how to figure things out on your own without waiting for someone to tell you what to do.