
Free Career Development Tool

Hello! I recently launched this as part of my Career Companion ( product suite. I always find myself giving people advice on what to do in specific career situations, so I tried to productize it a bit for scale. Would love to help folks out that are stuck in their career or looking for some guidance or direction. My Personalized Plan is like 'Google Maps' for your career. Just fill out your 'from' and 'to' and you'll get back a personalized career navigation plan.
@honeypatel- thank you for sharing!! This is so intriguing :) So what can we expect from the plan? And who is it best suited for? Folks looking to pivot? Or looking for roles? Or even people settled in their career?
Thank you! People can expect like 3-5 key actions to take to get to the goal that they identify. Best suited for people who are searching for roles, looking to grow in their role, or looking for career pivots.
Super cool!