Around the World in Women's Health: An Interactive Panel
What is it like for womxn seeking reproductive or sexual healthcare in Dubai? What barriers are womxn in the United States facing when it comes to fertility? In India, what taboos are keeping womxn from getting the healthcare they need? We've gathered experts from 10 different countries to share what it's like where they live for womxn trying to access healthcare, how cultural beliefs and taboos get in the way of quality care, and what femtech solutions are at work to help improve access, affordability, and equity in women's healthcare.Join us! All are welcome for this free (*pay what you want - even if that's $0) event. Hear from these incredible speakers in a two-part panel event with the opportunity to ask your question/share your story LIVE:Panel A: United States - Mylene Yao, MD, CEO & Co-Founder, UnivfyAustralia - Megan Capriccio, Co-Founder, Femtech CollectiveThailand - Pear Poolvaraluk, Marketing Manager, Fermata Singapore & Strategic Advisor, KeggDubai - Yolanda Esparza, Co-Founder, Medica IQGermany - Margaux Aliamus, Founder & CEO, CyclesPanel B:Brazil - Ursula Maschette, Specialist in Business Impact, Innovation and Women's Health Technology, Menstrual Health HubJapan - Amina Sugimoto, DrPH, CEO, FermataUnited Kingdom - Billie Quinlan, CEO & Co-Founder, FerlyPhilippines - Jacqueline Kressner, CEO & Co-Founder, FemcyIndia - Sarina Richard, Founder & CEO, HERdle Health
I know an investor in the space she would be a fantastic speaker addition if you'd consider!
We're done selecting panelists for this event, but it's always great to know speakers for future events!