
What's your motivation behind freelance or side hustle work?

I've recently said yes to a decent amount of freelance and nonprofit work (while trying to be mindful about burnout and monitoring all of my free time). My mindset really shifted from finding a 9-5 career/day job that pays well to seeking out opportunities that allow me to deepen my skills and provide value on my own terms.For example, in my day job, the company charges a huge $$$ premium on top of my labor. When I take on consulting and freelance gigs, I'm providing similar services but benefiting directly from the arrangement. It's really served as an empowerment tool to feel validated in my guidance and skills.Freelance work and side projects are also a great way to define yourself, by yourself. You are able to explore roles and make connections in industries that maybe you couldn't snag a f/t 'day job' in. Experience is experience.I'm interested in hearing about other Elpha's motivation behind freelance and side hustle work. What drives you to think outside the typical 9-5 box?
In the beginning of my career, any freelance work I take on served 1 of 2 goals: to make extra income or to expand my portfolio (I'm a designer).Now, any freelance work I take on usually is only around work that I am very passionate about (by topic) or the format of the work is one that really interests me (by medium). A friend of mine also recently switched his mindset around freelance work (he became a full time freelancer some time ago) as a mode of employment that allows him to create a schedule that is flexible enough to take on volunteering work during the week; so, instead of work that provides him meaning, it's the kind of work that it enables that he finds fulfilment from.
Well, who doesn't love multiple sources of income?šŸ˜ƒMy motivation is to make extra money from multiple sources and get financial freedom.
It turns out Iā€™m a generalist with a lot of interests and skills. So aside from my 9 to 5, a career track Iā€™ve been on since getting my bachelorā€™s degree, I got myself into freelancing to keep myself updated in my other areas of interests, in addition to having a 2nd, 3rd source of income. It keeps me creative, entertained to a certain extent and I learn continuously. And since my hustles are in a different industry, it helps me look at things differently at my full-time. I also think it allows me to make bolder decisions.
Iā€™ve been a full time freelancer for a long time, in fact Iā€™ve never had a full time traditional ā€œjobā€. In my case it makes sense (Iā€™m a musician and also teach) but I realized I donā€™t like hierarchical systems like the corporate world and I prefer working independently. Now Iā€™m planning to do the same as a UX designer. Freelancing gives you flexibility and thereā€™s always possibility for earning more (more and better projects).