
making a comeback into small biz + corporate

4 years ago, I said goodbye to the corporate world + became an entrepreneur. Now, I want to bring what I’ve learned back into it + small business.

I always had a strategic mind + held positions in leadership that instituted change. I believed we could create anything. The last 2 roles I held were to help disrupt small businesses that had become stagnant + a year after leaving the corporate bank, the president approached me asking me to come back – said they needed people like me.

He wasn’t wrong. But back then, many of the leaders I encountered who said they desired change were leading a team of leaders who weren’t willing.

The truth is, change is hard – even for those of us who are built for it. The difference is that some of us understand that we’re on a journey of evolution. Stagnancy is an invitation to innovate, so we must stop putting band aids on bullet wounds to maintain status quo.

Much of the work I have been doing since I left corporate has been exploring creation beyond the mind through intuition. I believe that we get to create businesses that challenge industry standards + norms – and, when we do, we create a ripple of impact that is far beyond our imagination.

I’m ready to come back – back into businesses to unlock new dimensions of leadership + legacy, to challenge old business paradigms + to cultivate a foundation that breeds new possibility.

I'm so grateful I get to start building this bridge. Who do you know that would be open to a conversation about this? I stand, you stand. Together, we rise.