
Data Analyst


Any advice for a new data analyst

I am currently a data analyst which I enjoy

any advice on which data programs are easier to use

any advice on which skills make being a data analyst more productive

I'll send you to this thread for a fairly comprehensive answer: notes: Excel is the most common and basic entry to analysis. From there: SQL is very common. In addition to the resources in the other thread, check out SQL Belle on YouTube. Tableau is generally one of the first enterprise BI tools people touch. It has extensive community support across an international community over many social channels. Tableau Public is free and you can learn a lot for free (also detailed in the other thread).PowerBI is growing and also has some free options, but sharing is a bit more limited. If you're already familiar with Microsoft products OR have extensive SQL skills, this may be a more natural fit.If you have strong coding and web development skills already, Observable houses D3, Plot, and now the Observable framework. Plot is far easier to deal with than D3.R gets used a lot in academic circles, as well as in more stat heavy industries. Python seems to be used a little more in industry with various packages. If you're interested in going the coding route, one or the other (or both) can be helpful. R also has a very strong community (ex R Ladies as one example). I generally recommend starting with these only if you already have a strong coding background. There's lots of free resources for either of these.Best of luck!
Thanks 🙂