
Land Your Dream Job in 2024 -- Free LinkedIn Profile Audit for Elpha Members!

Hi Elphas! 💜

The new calendar year is quickly approaching.

Vision boards for dreams of 2024 are being drawn.

What's your career looking like on that vision board?

If you feel:

❗stuck at a job that doesn't fulfill your true potential

❗disconnected from your true passions

❗uninspired by the work you do

and you're ready to land your DREAM JOB by the start of 2024, I'm offering FREE LinkedIn Profile Audits this December and I only have 2 spots left!!!

Some Elphas already claimed their audits and we're working on their profiles to be ready by Jan 1, 2024.

You don't have to wait for January to put plan into action.

Book a call and set yourself up for success NOW:

See you in the call!


Victoria 💜

crazy to think 2024 is right around the corner, thank you for sharing this! what do you say are the biggest mistakes most people make on their LinkedIn profiles?
Happy New Year Iynna!Honestly, the biggest mistake people make on their profiles is HOLDING BACK!LinkedIn is no place to be humble. This is where you MUST show off your skills and talents. People are going to make up stories about you whether you want them to or not.You might as well control the narrative and tell them what to believe about you. No holding back :)
Super interesting take! but then what do you think of people who overdo it on LinkedIn to the point where it gets cringey? eg oversharing to the point where humility and authenticity are being questioned? And maybe that's where we all have different ideas on what humility and authenticity mean!