
Free Sales Prospecting For Founders

As someone who has had zero experience in sales, doing it for the first time as a founder is incredibly intimidating especially as the future of you and your company hangs on your success. Where do you even start?

Next wednesday, we're doing a workshop on one of the key aspects of sales - Prospecting - for startup founders.

Whether you're a b2b business looking for customers, or you're looking for corporate partners to grow your business, learning to prospect will be pivotal to your growth.

​During this workshop, you will learn the skills and tools for prospecting:

  • ​Build your own prospect list utilizing LinkedIn and other tools
  • ​Create your own sales process/funnel
  • ​Do cold outreaches that convert by fine-tuning your value proposition

​You will walk away from this workshop with the tools to launch an outbound sales campaign to 50 prospects.

​This will be an interactive workshop, come prepared with your customer (buyer) persona, and your value proposition.

​​This sales workshop will be led by Sam Sunmonu, partner of 8cast consulting an specializes in helping early-stage startups with on sales strategy, business development, and fundraising.

​​This event is hosted by Female Founder School, join our free Slack community for female founders.