
Seeking Advice on Creating a Personal/Portfolio Website to Aid in Job Search

Hi Elpha Community! I'm trying to create a portfolio or personal website to aid in my job search. For a brief background, I was put on an extended furlough due to Covid-19 which forced me to move back to Texas after 10 years in NYC. I've been looking for a new full-time position for about a month now, but to no avail. Therefore, I'm now trying to set myself up for freelance/contract/consulting work in the interim, until I can find something more permanent. I know that a personal site would set me up for better success, however, I'm a little overwhelmed by the prospect of creating one. The best personal websites I've seen are for photographers and videographers, whose work is very visual, or for freelancers that already have an extensive portfolio of clients and therefore have a lot of examples to add to their websites. I'm in marketing and have primarily only ever worked in-house. Does anyone have any advice on creating a strong portfolio site for someone who doesn't have extensive access to past work? Any suggestions on great personal sites to look at as a reference would also be helpful. Thank you!