
Hi Elphas ❤️

I recently started a podcast with the focus on personal and professional development. Currently, I have been in conversation with many women (most of them based in Europe) that either have been laid off or fired. The mojority of them are truly stuggle getting back on their feet, as the economy is not even promising at the moment.

I would love to invite any of you amazing ladies to be a guest in my show and talk a bit about how you have over come similar struggles, any tips or advice that you would like to share, any personal story or anything that you feel comfortable with.

I am happy to promote you and in my network and increase visibility in what you are woking on via LinkedIn, Instagram post etc. My audience isnt't big at the moment, but it's consistent.

Gladly to have a chat as well to get to know each other and decide on the topic.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you!



Love the cover art!
Thank you @sarahing :D
Thank you @MyrnaKing! I appreciate it! Looking forward to our chat!
I would love to chat! This is a topic I unfortunately know very well from the 2008 recession. Sign me up for guesting.
That's amazing @jenebawint :D Thank you I will DM you :)
Hi @LindaMata so lovely to read your post,I'm an avid podcast listener and I'd love to participate in yours.Best, Patricia
@PatriciaGestoso <3! SO nice to hear from you! :)) Will DM you asap!
@LindaMata I would love to participate and share my story. I’ve been laid off twice. I’m a mother of 4 and the sole breadwinner in the family. I have some tips to share that I learned through my journey. Check out my website here and my portfolio here’s my calendly link:
Hi @lei24, Thank you so much for your interest! I am looking forward to chatting with you!Best, Linda
I would be happy to! Is there a place I can reach out to email you?
Hey @krystinmorgan just sent you a DM :)
Hello, Linda! I'd love to collaborate with you. My struggle has been in integrating to how things are different when migrating to a new country, and getting back to the network, salary and responsibility levels we left back in our home countries. If you'd like to touch on these topics, please let me know ([email protected]). And congratulations on your podcast! I'll go and listen to it now :)
Hey @citlallita just emailed you :)
Hi Linda, I have a unique background and have been on an interesting journey. I'd be happy to be on your podcast and can also recommend a book for you to discuss (maybe reach out to the author to see whether he'd like to be a guest) - "What Should I Do With My Life" by Po Bronson. It was written around 2005, I think, so not a current book, but it is a collection of stories about people who changed their careers, usually after an event such as losing a job, getting divorced, or getting sick. That book inspired me to begin a journey that has taken and continues to take me to places I could never have imagined. You are welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn:
Happy to connect Linda, find me on Linkedin and we can make time to do an episode! I help people find jobs and have been through 7 job searches myself ;)
Hi Linda, I'd be happy to talk with you on your show. Check out my podcast, articles, coaching and speaking on my website at and let me know if you'd like to chat. Thanks! Joan ([email protected])
Hi Linda - I love this idea! If you’re still looking for speakers, sign me up :)
hi @LindaMata - Love the topic. if you are still looking for speakers, would love to chat. Feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile if this meets your speaker requirement -