
Looking for tips/resources on getting your first customer or partner as a B2B service company - #sales

Hi everyone, Long story short, over the new year my co-founder and I decided to rethink our priorities for 2021. After talking to a bunch of people in our industry (video games), we have identified an opportunity to start monetising our technology offering our services directly to games studios (B2B). In my career working with early-stage startups in emerging technologies, I have had many hats in marketing, community building, operations... but I haven't done sales for ages so I am now looking for tips, experiences or resources that could help me get our first customer or partner!To give a bit of context: we are using machine learning to build smarter and more human-like bots/NPCs for video games. We recently successfully showcased what our existing technology & very own framework can do, training AIs to play Dota 2 and are now offering our services to support video games developers. Happy to also connect on LinkedIn and have a quick chat with anyone willing to share their experience!Cheers!Amandine Flachswww.wildmeta.com