
HELP! Need Perspective on a Good Problem To Have

My company's website offers information to victims of abuse, information about laws and policies that may affect how they could potentially be further harmed or can get help using current laws for each state (US-based only). Our #1 viewed pages are found via search and out-perform our home page for landing. The problem is, they don't convert.

They were originally used as posts to generate SEO content (well, THAT worked), but now I could use some feedback on conversion techniques. I am open to video, infographics, etc.

MY ASK: I could use some guidance on suggestions for improved page performance. I'm open to a G-Meet call or feel free to message me. Here's the links to our three top pages:

Hi Sheri - I took a look at the page and don't see any of the areas that can potentially gather customer info, like the areas on the homepage do. I would advise to add the Subscribe footer on all resources pages. Also what is your outcome for the conversation? Email? Purchase? App download? Add elements to the footer on the resource page to relate to the outcome you want to get, more emails? app download, etc. Hope this helps a bit!
Hey Sheri, here are some things I'd consider: - if you can, start talking to users and get feedback- what are the keywords / queries that lead to this page? Users who land on this page might only bee looking for informational content. - what is the behavior of users who land on this page? Are they engaged, look to other pages, when do they leave the site, etc... - add call to actions to your page (get in touch, subscribe, etc...) - agree with @annamiller's post. - try different things and see what performs better. If you cannot do AB testing, you can test things sequentially, one by one.- are there other pages that convert better? if so, I'd try to understand why.
These are victims of domestic violence. Their anonymity is vital for their safety. We cannot talk to them. They are searching whether or not they can record their abusers so they can seek safety and justice.